BEGIN:VCALENDARVERSION:2.0PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//ENMETHOD:PUBLISHBEGIN:VEVENTUID:lent16.slovenija.net_1_578DTSTAMP:20160602T084022DTSTART:20160702T200000ZDTEND:20160702T203000ZCATEGORIES:Ana 10 - StraßentheaterSUMMARY:THE STOCKHOLM SYNDROME (SWE)DESCRIPTION:Authors: group creation of the group Burnt out Punks\n\nThe Stockholm Syndrome is a hardcore, fire-driven, petrol-fuelled, anarchistic punk comedy circus show. Whilst holding the audience hostage for 70 minutes they research the boundaries of normality and the psychological phenomenon wherein hostages express positive feelings towards their captors. The highlighted topics are; the role of the artist vs authority and the fine line between being creative and being destructive. Sometimes you have to burn things down in order to build\n\nIn a time when people become suicidal bombers, setting themselves on fire to get their voices heard one of our goals is to hold mirror of laughter to the audience and have them take a closer look at themselves and who they are.\n\nWe want to point out that our entire society has been taken hostage. Our cultural norms and values affect how much the individual can effect the society. How the tight boundaries of normality controls people and deflects the general publics eyes from the serious problems of the world.\n\nWith all that said we would like the to leave the audience blown away by an unforgettable experience and new inspiration.\n\nDuration: 70 minutes. LOCATION:Glavni trg PlatzORGANIZER;CN="ZAVAROVALNICA MARIBOR":END:VEVENTEND:VCALENDAR