BEGIN:VCALENDARVERSION:2.0PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//ENMETHOD:PUBLISHBEGIN:VEVENTUID:lent16.slovenija.net_1_77DTSTAMP:20160524T093941DTSTART:20160625T190000ZDTEND:20160625T193000ZCATEGORIES:KonzertSUMMARY:VLADO KRESLIN & MALI BOGOVI ● OKTTOBERDESCRIPTION:VLADO KRESLIN & MALI BOGOVI\n\nVlado Kreslin (vocal, guitar) Iztok Cergol (violin, saxophone, accordion) Matjaž Ugovšek (guitar) Luka Jerončič (bass) Luka Ovsec (percussion) Gašper Peršl (drums) Tonč Feinig (keyboards)For nearly two decades VLADO KRESLIN has been in the centre of the Slovenian popular music scene, and over the past few years has surely reached the height of his creativity and popularity.He began as a singer in rock groups (Martin Krpan), gradually breaking through to the foreground also as the author of numerous unforgettable songs. At the same time, he was beginning to go back more and more to his own roots and draw upon the creative energy of the musical heritage of Prekmurje, the Slovene region which is his homeland. Through his appearances with Beltinška banda - a group of Prekmurje folk singers and musicians in their seventies and eighties / the oldest member, the double bass player Joužek was born in 1905/ -Kreslin enriched his repertoire with folk-songs of the region.In the meantime Vlado Kreslin has brought together a number of younger musicians into the group Mali bogovi (Little gods), and with them plays his compositions in more mainstream rock arrangements with the touch of the flatlands of Prekmurje. Often members of Mali bogovi join Beltinška banda on stage, and in this way music continues to bridge generations, both for those on stage and those in the audience.With his melange of so-called "world music" and his own songs, Kreslin won over several generations of Slovenes.\n\nOKTTOBER\n\nMilan Fras (vocal, guitar)Nikola Stojanović (guitar)Lan Falež (bass)Gregor Božič (drums)Stalni gost: Peter Čaja (keyboards)Okttober from Maribor has been active since 2009, and has released their debut "10", a melancholic melodic rock album, last year.In the flood of bad news, daily reporting on war, problems, bankruptcy, and powerlessness, their song Lep dan (Beautiful day), which was released two years ago, was a good launch pad for the band. The melancholic melodic rock bringing reflection on the world surrounding us, and the typical guitar sound got excellent feedback.The singer and author of all ten songs on the album, Milan Fras, says that the album consists of a bunch of songs which were written in the six years of the band's existence. All the videos for the songs were made by young Croatian director Dinko Šimac. Milan says that the songs are mostly personal stories, but that he cannot hold back criticizing the current social affairs.\n\nLOCATION:Večer-BühneORGANIZER;CN="SNAGA":END:VEVENTEND:VCALENDAR