BEGIN:VCALENDARVERSION:2.0PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//ENMETHOD:PUBLISHBEGIN:VEVENTUID:lent16.slovenija.net_1_189DTSTAMP:20160517T064416DTSTART:20160628T190000ZDTEND:20160628T193000ZCATEGORIES:ConcertSUMMARY:BRO & BRASS BAND RADLJE & EMKEJ ● DREAD BRAINSDESCRIPTION:BRO & BRASS BAND & EMKEJ \n\nBRO Mate Brodar (vocal, guitar) Beno Soršak (guitar) Samo Pečar (bass) Matej Horvat (drums) \n\nBRASS BAND RADLJE Matjaž Klemenc (trumpet) Jaka Košir (trumpet, vocal) Tadej Vilar (trumpet) Peter Starc (trumpet) Dejan Kus (saxophone) Dani Lauko (saxophone) Jure Luzar (trombone) Tomaž Makan (tuba) Tilen Štraser (percussion) Damjan Naglič (percussion) \n\nEmkej alias Marko Kocjan (vocal), special guest, renowned rapper from Maribor, music creator. \n\nBRO\n\nMate Brodar is a successful Slovenian musician, who decided to combine his musical experiences with his devotion to reggae. Motivated by the shortage of quality in the Slovenian reggae scene, Brodar decided to form the project B R O, which aims at producing genuine and sincere reggae on a high artistic level. \n\nIn 2009 they released his first album "Serious reggae deviations" which can hardly be described, but somehow originates in reggae. Their second album from 2013 "Smoods" features several amazing musician (Jani Hace, Marko Črnčec, Matej Horvat), and singers like Buda-Elvis Jackson, Jah Mason-Jamajka, Tshaka Junior - winner of European reggae contest 2009 ... The most renowned album was "All I want", which combines reggae and classical music. \n\nBro released their new single and video "Zar ima neka.. ?" in April 2016 which started the collaboration on the territory of former Yugoslavia, and the video received a lot of attention from the media (MTV). The single was officially also released in Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. \n\nThis time we will hear them with the Brass Band Radlje, and the rapper Emkej. Get ready for an unforgettable evening with an extraordinary mix of reggae, pop, rock, and dub music! \n\nBRASS BAND RADLJE \n\nThe brass band consists of 10 brass musicians, wind players, and percussionists with a lot of positive energy. The songs performed by the Brass Band Radlje are a mixture of different music genres. They follow the trends for such bands, and fuel on lively rhythms. \n\nThe Brass Band Radlje held several concerts and attended many national and international festivals. They were the winners of the 2008 contest for small brass bands in Slovenia, and twice second-placed in 2009 and 2010. Their greatest success was their performance in Guča in 2008, where they played in front of a huge audience. They received the first price at the 2nd international festival osvojena "Extreme music festival" in 2011 in Zagreb.\n\n\n\nDREAD BRAINS \n\nMitja Tratnik (vocal)Borna Šmid (guitar)Mario Pevec (bass)Barbara Ciglar (keyboards, percussion)Jure Auguštiner (keyboards, effects)Jernej Šorli (drums) \n\nThe idea for the musical project called Dread Brains was created on Jamaica. More precisely, in the head of Mitja Tratnik who wrote his first songs and tried himself as a singer for the first time during his travels there. Why exactly this happened, is not clear. It's only clear that when he came back, he got his chance to sing at several jam sessions (also with the help of his brother Tadej, who is a reggae singer and a member of the band Siti Hlapci). And then, in 2010, the band was formed. \n\nThe extraordinary mixture of music styles is made by extraordinary types of musicians. The songs are a mix of Afro-American music genres such as blues, funk, hip-hop, and rock, and are seasoned with reggae making the listeners think with their heads, and sync their rhythms with the rhythm.\n\nLOCATION:Večer stageORGANIZER;CN="PALOMA d.d.":END:VEVENTEND:VCALENDAR