BEGIN:VCALENDARVERSION:2.0PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//ENMETHOD:PUBLISHBEGIN:VEVENTUID:lent16.slovenija.net_1_135DTSTAMP:20160517T064416DTSTART:20160627T150000ZDTEND:20160627T153000ZCATEGORIES:DanceSUMMARY:THE FIFTH ELEMENTDESCRIPTION:KUD PD Zahir \n\nDance performance \n\nFire, earth, water, air and ether are the elements on which this performance is based. Every element has its energy, vibration and power. The first four elements are represented through flamenco and oriental dances, the fifth element, ether or space, is connecting all of them through sound. LOCATION:Art camp - Triglav stageORGANIZER;CN="SUROVINA GORENJE":END:VEVENTEND:VCALENDAR