BEGIN:VCALENDARVERSION:2.0PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//ENMETHOD:PUBLISHBEGIN:VEVENTUID:lent16.slovenija.net_1_333DTSTAMP:20160527T053234DTSTART:20160702T190000ZDTEND:20160702T193000ZCATEGORIES:KonzertSUMMARY:KATJA ŠULCDESCRIPTION:Katja Šulc (vocals) Alban Usatch (violin) Andraž Mazi (guitar) Robert Jukič (bass) Damir Mazrek (percussion) Neja Tomšič (visuals)\n\nKatja Šulc is a charismatic singer, floating between poetry and music.\n\nRomani music and culture have always been of interest to her, and Romani poetry got her attention with its unique poetics, the exotic sound of the language and the fact that this poetry is a part of endangered world literature.\n\nThe poems were written by contemporary Romani male and female poets from Balkan and Eastern Europe, and she will be singing them in Romani language.LOCATION:GerichtsturmORGANIZER;CN="VZAJEMNA":END:VEVENTEND:VCALENDAR