BEGIN:VCALENDARVERSION:2.0PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//ENMETHOD:PUBLISHBEGIN:VEVENTUID:lent16.slovenija.net_1_29DTSTAMP:20160527T052834DTSTART:20160624T190000ZDTEND:20160624T193000ZCATEGORIES:KonzertSUMMARY:SLEPA KÜRADESCRIPTION:Gregor Volk (vocals, guitar) Tomaž Gajšt (trumpet, keyboards) Saša Lušić (guitar) Robert Jukič (bass) Gašper Peršl (drums)\n\nSlepa küra on a bed of fresh perspective, intertwined and fragmented funk tradition, a walk through the Silicon valley of rock, a martial arts lesson for the wind player, a music set for relaxation and relief for the modern everyman, cuddling at sunset, a travel ration for a calm navigation through the rapids of life, in the spirit and body of time.LOCATION:GerichtsturmORGANIZER;CN="NLB SKUPINA":END:VEVENTEND:VCALENDAR