BEGIN:VCALENDARVERSION:2.0PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//ENMETHOD:PUBLISHBEGIN:VEVENTUID:lent16.slovenija.net_1_265DTSTAMP:20160526T194603DTSTART:20160630T210000ZDTEND:20160630T213000ZCATEGORIES:KonzertSUMMARY:PSIHOZA ● PINK PANKER ● THE KOJNDESCRIPTION:PSIHOZA\n\nPeter Leban (vocals)Žan Brešan, kitara (vocals)Juri Merljak (bass)Vasja Peruničič (drums)\n\nRaised from the dust of former band Drunkdead, the band's plan was to play grindcore, but the plan went south and focused on other, various music styles.\n\nPINK PANKER\n\nDamjan Cilenšek - Vini (vocals)Anže Grm - Grm (guitar)Rožle Kisovec - Kisuc (guitar)Jure Likar - Jaga (bass)Uroš Dobčnik - Urko (drums)\n\nDon't be fooled by the name, there are no fancy pink panters waiting for you, but totally mad punkers. Their mission is to connect the punks in Slovenia and elsewhere and create a platform to connect, gather, plan and exchange ideas ... or just to organize a crazy punk party.\n\nTHE KOJN\n\nMiha Ovca (drums)Marko Kos (guitar)\n\nThe Kojn is a duo from Črni graben. Welcome to see and hear the noise of world-weariness, mad rhythms and a subtle insert of unarticulated wilderness ...LOCATION:Mladina-BühneORGANIZER;CN="AJM":END:VEVENTEND:VCALENDAR